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Snuggle Hunny

Snuggle Hunny - Daisy & Musk Pink Reversible Milestone Cards

Snuggle Hunny - Daisy & Musk Pink Reversible Milestone Cards

Regular price $34.95 AUD
Regular price Sale price $34.95 AUD
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Capture your baby's milestone moments and document their 'firsts' in photographs to treasure for a lifetime with our Daisy & Musk Pink Milestone Cards. This 2 in 1 pack contains 25 Reversible milestone cards that coordinate with a range of our products. Included in this pack is the Daisy & Musk Pink colourway; this matches our Musk Pink Muslin Wrap, Daisy Jersey Wrap Set, and also Daisy Snuggle Swaddle. This would make the perfect gift for a new baby gift, or baby shower. Cards included: * Tips for taking great announcement photos * I’m here / hello world * Introducing... (date, time, weight, length) * One week old (1, 2 & 3 weeks old) * One month old (1-11 months old) * One year old * Today I smiled for the first time * I slept through the night * Yum!
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